LBS MBA Interview Questions & Tips for Successful Admit

Embarking on the journey to study abroad is an exciting and transformative adventure, especially when it leads you to one of the world’s most renowned business schools: London Business School (LBS). The LBS MBA program is a beacon for globally-minded students like you, offering unparalleled opportunities for personal and professional growth. But before you can immerse yourself in this vibrant educational experience, there’s a crucial hurdle to clear – the LBS MBA interview.

This isn’t just any interview. It’s a gateway to a world of opportunities, a chance to join a cohort of diverse, ambitious individuals ready to make their mark on the global stage. So, let’s dive into what this interview entails and how you can prepare to shine.


Alumni Involvement: Significantly, one of the unique aspects of the LBS interview is the involvement of alumni. Hence, these are individuals who have walked the path you’re aspiring to tread. They understand the nuances of the program and can provide insights from a perspective that resonates with your ambitions.

Format and Duration: Typically, an LBS interview lasts between 45 to 75 minutes. However, it may stretch up to two hours, particularly if the conversation flows and deeper insights are being explored. Consequently, the format is designed to understand not just your professional aspirations but also your personal journey and how it shapes your global outlook.

Personalized Approach: Importantly, the pairing of interviewers based on shared backgrounds or interests adds a personalized touch. Therefore, it means that your interviewer is likely someone who can genuinely relate to your experiences and aspirations, offering a conducive environment for a meaningful dialogue.

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As you gear up for your LBS interview, it’s crucial to approach it with a strategic mindset. Here are some tips to help you prepare effectively:

  • Research Commonly Asked Questions: Initially, while each interview is unique, certain themes and questions are common in MBA interviews. Delve into resources that list frequently asked questions at LBS interviews. Understanding these can give you a foundational base to build your responses.
  • Self-Reflection: Furthermore, spend time reflecting on your journey, your achievements, and your goals. Consider how your experiences align with what LBS offers and values. This introspection will not only help you answer questions with depth but also with authenticity.
  • Presentation Skills: Moreover, since a part of the interview may involve a presentation or case study, honing your presentation skills is key. Practice conveying your thoughts in a clear, concise, and structured manner.
  • Mock Interviews: Additionally, conduct mock interviews, preferably with someone who has knowledge of the MBA interview process or with an alumnus of an MBA program. This will help you get comfortable with the format and receive constructive feedback.
  • Stay Informed: Consequently, keep abreast of current global business trends and news. LBS values candidates with a global perspective, so being well-informed can give you an edge.
  • Prepare Questions: Also, interviews are a two-way street. Prepare thoughtful questions to ask your interviewer. This shows your keen interest in the program and your proactive approach to learning.

In conclusion, these strategies can significantly bolster your preparedness for the LBS interview, enhancing your confidence and ability to showcase your potential effectively.

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Entering your LBS interview, you can expect a blend of questions designed to understand your background, aspirations, and how you handle various situations. Specifically, let’s break down some of the types of questions you may encounter:

1. Personal and Professional Journey:

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Walk me through your resume.
  • What are your career aspirations?

2. Motivation for MBA and LBS:

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  • Why have you decided to pursue an MBA?
  • Why have you chosen LBS specifically?
  • How does an MBA fit into your career plans?

3. Situational and Behavioral Questions:

  • Describe a challenging situation you faced and how you handled it.
  • Give an example of a time you worked in a team and the role you played.
  • Can you share an experience where you demonstrated leadership?

4. Future Plans and Contributions:

  • What are your short-term and long-term goals post-MBA?
  • How do you plan to contribute to the LBS community?

Each question is an opportunity to showcase different facets of your personality and experiences. Therefore, remember to provide structured and thoughtful responses, reflecting on your journey and how it aligns with what LBS offers.

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The LBS interview may include a presentation or case study, which assesses your analytical and communication skills. Consequently, here are some sample presentation questions you might encounter:

1. Business Scenario Analysis:

  • Evaluate the potential of a new market entry for a specific product.
  • Discuss strategies a company could adopt to enhance customer loyalty.

2. Problem-Solving:

  • How would you approach increasing the efficiency of a business process?
  • Devise a plan to turn around a struggling retail store.

3. Ethical Dilemmas:

  • How would you handle a situation where your team’s objectives conflict with your personal values?

4. Innovation and Creativity:

  • Propose an innovative solution to an environmental issue faced by a manufacturing company.

In these scenarios, it’s not just about finding the ‘right’ answer but demonstrating your thought process, analytical abilities, and communication skills. Be clear, concise, and structured in your responses.

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When preparing for your LBS MBA interview, it’s essential to understand the qualities that LBS values in its candidates. Importantly, this insight can shape how you present your experiences and aspirations. Here are key attributes LBS often seeks:

  • Global Mindset: Initially, LBS is known for its diverse and international cohort. Demonstrate your awareness of global business trends, cultural sensitivity, and any international experiences you’ve had.
  • Leadership Potential: Moreover, share instances where you’ve led teams or initiatives, showcasing your leadership style and how you inspire and influence others.
  • Collaborative Spirit: Additionally, illustrate your ability to work effectively in teams, highlighting any collaborative projects and your role in their success.
  • Innovative Thinking: Furthermore, LBS values creativity and innovation. Discuss any situations where you’ve brought fresh perspectives or implemented new solutions.
  • Commitment to Learning: Lastly, express your eagerness to learn and grow, both from the academic program and from your peers.

Remember, LBS is not just looking for academic excellence but for individuals who can contribute richly to the MBA community and bring a diverse set of experiences and perspectives.

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Behavioral and situational questions are a staple in the LBS interview. These questions are designed to understand how you’ve handled past situations, which can be indicative of your future actions and fit for the MBA program. Here’s how you can approach them:

  • Structure Your Responses: Use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to structure your answers. This ensures clarity and coherence in your storytelling.
  • Variety of Experiences: Draw from a range of experiences – professional, personal, and extracurricular – to show different aspects of your character and skills.
  • Reflect on Learnings: When discussing challenges or failures, highlight what you learned from these experiences and how they contributed to your personal growth.
  • Be Genuine: Authenticity is key. Share real stories that genuinely reflect your experiences and the lessons you’ve learned.

By preparing for these types of questions, you can demonstrate your self-awareness, problem-solving skills, and ability to reflect on past experiences.


A distinctive feature of the LBS interview is the case study segment, which is designed to evaluate your critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and how you articulate your thoughts under pressure. Here’s how to approach it:

  • Understand the Case: Take a moment to fully comprehend the case scenario. Clarify any doubts before you start responding.
  • Structure Your Response: Organize your thoughts in a logical manner. Use frameworks if applicable, but don’t force them onto the case.
  • Think Aloud: Show your thought process. It’s not just about the final answer but how you arrived at it.
  • Be Concise and Clear: Stick to the point and articulate your ideas clearly. Avoid unnecessary jargon.
  • Stay Calm: If the case seems challenging, stay calm. It’s about how you handle the situation as much as it is about the solution you propose.

Remember, the case study is not just a test of your business acumen but also your ability to communicate effectively.


Inevitably, you might encounter questions in the interview that you haven’t prepared for. Here’s how to handle them gracefully:

  • Stay Calm: Initially, take a deep breath and maintain your composure. It’s okay to take a moment to think.
  • Think Structurally: Then, even if the question is unexpected, try to structure your answer logically. It helps in maintaining clarity.
  • Be Honest: Moreover, if you don’t know the answer, it’s better to admit it rather than fabricate. You can express your eagerness to learn about the topic.
  • Relate to Your Experiences: Additionally, try to relate the question to your experiences or knowledge. It shows adaptability and resourcefulness.
  • Show Enthusiasm: Finally, approach each question as an opportunity to showcase another facet of your personality or experience.

Handling unexpected questions well demonstrates your ability to think on your feet, a valuable trait in any business leader.


The way you conclude your interview can be just as important as how you begin. It’s your final chance to leave a lasting impression. Here are some tips for a strong finish:

  • Summarize Key Points: Initially, briefly reiterate your main strengths or the unique contributions you can bring to LBS. This reinforces your key messages.
  • Express Gratitude: Secondly, always thank the interviewer for their time and consideration. Showing appreciation is a sign of good manners and professionalism.
  • Ask Insightful Questions: Furthermore, this is your opportunity to ask any questions you may have about LBS, the program, or the interviewer’s own experiences. Thoughtful questions can demonstrate your genuine interest and curiosity.
  • Leave on a Positive Note: Finally, convey your enthusiasm for the program and the prospect of being part of the LBS community. A positive demeanor can leave a lasting impression.

Remember, the conclusion is your final opportunity to showcase your eagerness and fit for the LBS MBA program.


After your interview, it’s important to reflect on the experience and take appropriate follow-up actions. Therefore, here’s what you can do:

  • Reflect on Your Performance: Initially, consider what went well and areas where you could improve. This reflection is helpful for future interviews.
  • Send a Thank-You Note: Subsequently, a brief email thanking the interviewer for their time can reinforce your interest in the program and your appreciation for the opportunity.
  • Stay Informed: Additionally, keep yourself updated about any further steps in the application process or additional information required by LBS.
  • Be Patient: Lastly, waiting for a response can be stressful, but try to stay positive. Meanwhile, use this time to explore other opportunities or further develop your skills.

Remember, the post-interview phase is as much a part of the application process as the interview itself. Therefore, approach it with the same level of professionalism and enthusiasm.

Final Thoughts and Encouragement

As you prepare for your LBS MBA interview, remember that this is more than just an assessment – it’s an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. Each question, each interaction is a step towards realizing your dream of studying abroad and becoming a part of a vibrant, global community at LBS. Consequently, believe in yourself and the unique story you bring. Your journey, experiences, and aspirations are what make you stand out.

Furthermore, embrace the process with confidence and curiosity. Prepare diligently, but also, importantly, allow your genuine self to shine through. The LBS MBA interview is not just about finding candidates who fit a certain mold; rather, it’s about discovering individuals who can contribute their unique perspectives and skills. Therefore, approach each question with both preparation and openness, illustrating not only your readiness for the MBA program but also your adaptability and authenticity as a candidate.

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