How is STEM MBA going to help you boost your tech career?

Tech and business are different sides of the same coin! Being effective in management in the ever-changing dynamic business landscape of the future will mean leveraging tech data and tools to lead various cross-functional teams. 

Enter STEM MBA! A STEM MBA is a smart way to gain all those skills required in a comprehensive business model and develop students’ technical expertise and management skills. The word “STEM” is an acronym for Science-Technology-Engineering and mathematics.

In recent times, one can notice the increasing demands for people who can work both as a manager with an MBA and as a leader who can solve problems in a tech-driven environment.     

The STEM MBA programs are getting popular day by day, producing a new generation of future executives, bilingual in both technology and business.

The STEM MBA itself offers a vast array of courses. This article will focus on MS/MBA Engineering course under the STEM MBA umbrella and how an MBA/MS degree would help boost your tech career. Refer to our article below if you wish to know more about other STEM MBA programs.

In this article, we’ll explore the MS/MBA engineering program under the STEM MBA umbrella and define its advantages, opportunities, work experience, career goals, essay prompts, who is the right fit for this program, various top MS/MBA programs, and all about top recruiters.



The MS/MBA engineering program is a dual-degree program with a balanced emphasis on business fundamentals and engineering &design. The program conveys various theoretical concepts and builds skillset across three domains:

  • Engineering,  
  • Design, and
  • Management.

The MS/MBA engineering program is specifically designed for candidates with an undergraduate degree in engineering, computer science, or any related technical field. The MS/MBA engineering program is focused on innovation, entrepreneurship, and design, all of which are crucial elements of success when leading a technology venture.

Hence it’s quite obvious that the MS/MBA engineering program attracts a large section of candidates with long-term goals of leading a technology venture one day.


You need to understand that evaluating an applicant’s eligibility to apply in the MS/MBA engineering program is quite different from a normal MBA perspective. Let us understand this in detail!  

The MS/MBA engineering course offerings are most appropriate for candidates with academic backgrounds in computer science, mechanical, and electrical engineering.

However, there is no” defined restriction.” Any well-qualified candidates with an educational background in other engineering disciplines or related technical fields are more than welcome to apply.

For example, a candidate who doesn’t have a UG degree in either engineering, computer science, or any other related technical field, but in contrast, does have a master’s degree in any of these fields may be considered adequately prepared for MS/MBA engineering program.

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Some examples of “related technical field” in the UG degree include

  • – Computational science,
  • – Applied mechanics,
  • – Applied math,
  • – Applied physics, and
  • – Master’s degree in an engineering discipline.

The main intention behind the UG criteria for MS/MBA engineering program is to ensure that the UG degree held by a candidate should provide adequate technical and mathematical proficiency and at the same time address their applications to practical technologies, with major emphasis on software and hardware development.


The work experience Criteria for the MS/MBA engineering program are quite similar to that of a regular full-time MBA program and differ from school to school. However, candidates with at least two or more years of full-time work experience at the time of enrollment are considered fit to apply for the program.  

No candidate with less than two years of work experience should view their profile before application(less than two years not allowed as per Harvard MS/MBA: Engineering Sciences) since the strongest applicants will have a least two years of prior work experience.

Most applicants are directly involved with designing and developing innovative technology-intensive products during their full-time work experience.


The MS/MBA: Engineering Sciences program aspires students to lead technology ventures. Hence, a major portion of the students aims to build technology-intensive startups.

While others aspire to lead new experiences in recognized technology companies.

Upon graduation, students who don’t pursue their startup are anyhow more than qualified for positions as

  • – Product managers,
  • – Managers of engineering teams
  • – Tech leads, and
  • – Senior Consultants (in firms that design innovative products.)
  • – Principal Architect, 
  • – Marketing Analytics Manager, 
  • – Manager of Strategy and Operations.

Moreover, during the summer between Year One and Year two, MS/MBA Engineering students spend their time either looking for internships in a technology venture or working on their startup concept.



Since the MS/MBA is focused on three major domains, namely:

  • Entrepreneurship,
  • Design,
  • Innovation

The required essay question is framed around any past experiences or contributions in these areas along with in-depth details about your intentions & reasons for pursuing an MS/MBA engineering program.

Since, to succeed, or to run a technology venture, one must meet customers’ needs, have a viable business model, and leverage technology for advantage; hence, by extension, the future global leaders of technology ventures need to be trained as splendid designers—of business models, new products, and organizations. Hence, any school with an MS/MBA engineering program would be curious enough to know what other preparation you have done that will help you succeed in such a rigorous technical graduate program model.

Below are recent examples of essay questions framed by the HBS for their MS/MBA engineering program.

1) Essay Question: The MS/MBA program focuses on design, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Describe any relevant past experiences in these areas and your reasons for pursuing a program with this focus.

The first question is a straightforward one! Since students from an engineering or related technical background apply for the MS/MBA Engineering program, adcom is interested in knowing your past accolades and experience related to the field you want to pursue. Moreover, as the program aims to educate future leaders of major technology ventures, you need to get your reasons straight for pursuing the program.

Try to align your post-MBA goals and the program’s aim and craft an essay describing your aspirations and future targets!

2) Essay Question: The Master of Science degree: Engineering is a technical degree requiring graduate-level engineering or applied science courses. If you do not have a traditional engineering/applied sciences undergraduate degree followed by significant technical product development work experience, please describe what other preparation you have that will allow you to succeed in a rigorous technical graduate program.

The question is a very simple and relevant one! Suppose you are from a medical background and want to pursue the MS/MBA program. You must give enough proof to back your candidature since anyone from an entirely different background would find it difficult to succeed in such a rigorous technical graduate program.

So, if you are someone from a non-traditional background, I would urge you to give significant examples of your technical prowess since you are gonna face a stiff challenge from candidates with a more traditional engineering background. 

Any certifications, awards, innovations, or relevant technical experience would definitely come in handy in both your essays and interview process. 

Now that you have got a basic idea by far about the undergraduate criteria, work experience, essays, future aspirations and candidate backgrounds, and how they are distinctive in comparison to a general full-time MBA program, let us look at some renowned B-schools offering a dual degree in MS/MBA.


Harvard Business School: MS/MBA, Engineering Sciences

  1. Wharton/Engineering Dual Degree Program
  2. MIT- Dual Degree
  3. UC Berkeley’s MBA/MEng
  4. Purdue MSE+ Kelley MBA program

1) Harvard Business School: MS/MBA, Engineering Sciences

HBS along with Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) through the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences offers a joint dual-degree program for ambitious entrepreneurs.

The program is designed specifically to train future global leaders of tech ventures, the MS/MBA: Engineering Sciences Program provides a strong foundation in general business management, helps in building design skills, and extends students’ understanding of engineering.

Key highlights

  • – The program confers an MBA from none other than Harvard Business School and an MS, Master of Science in Engineering Sciences from the SEAS.
  • – Program duration – the program is concluded in four semesters over a period of two years, augmented by both January term and summer coursework amounting to three-quarters of a fifth semester.
  • – Most of the first year is spent at Harvard Business School in order to complete the MBA Required Curriculum, even though students start their program as a cohort at SEAS in August, enrolling in the Systems Engineering course.
  • – Students get a free summer between Year One and Year two to work either on their own startup project or pursue an internship at a technology company.
  • – During the second year, students have to split time between SEAS and HBS, enrolling in electives offered at each school. As a cohort, students are required to take the Integrated Design course during their fall term and, during the spring and January terms, and complete the Capstone course.



The innovative intersection of the renowned Wharton MBA Program and a Penn Engineering Graduate Program is what the dual degree is all about. The program is best suited for students who are looking for a career trajectory leveraging the robust combination of both strong technical skills and business leadership interests.

Programs to choose from

Candidates are allowed to combine their Wharton business studies with any one of Penn Engineering’s inclusive range of disciplines to magnify their experience or pursue an entirely new field of interest.

Established courses of study include:

Key highlights

  • – Enrolled Students can complete the dual degree programs in a time period anywhere from 4-6 semesters, depending entirely on the specific program’s structure and the timing of admissions.
  • -Enrollment in any of these dual degree programs will comprehensively benefit students by allowing them to complete both programs in much less time and with fewer credits than if they were pursued separately due to flexibility in scheduling the course and the cross counting of credits between programs.
  • – The four semesters of Wharton will cover up to 21 credit units of coursework with students completing the degree in five semesters transferred to be in residence at SEAS for their 5th semester and having to pay the SEAS tuition.



For all STEM MBA candidates, MIT offers a golden opportunity to earn 2 degrees in a period of 2 years from the top-ranked MIT Sloan School of Management along with MIT School of Engineering.

Candidates are allowed to build a customizable program experience that would allow them to MIT resources, pursue research interests, and career opportunities that would fit their goals & ambitions.

Key Highlights

The MIT LGOs (Leaders for Global Operations) join an extensive plus collaborative community with the next generation of engineering leaders who would solve global problems that serve society.

In MIT’s Leaders for Global Operations (LGO) program, students are enriched with greater management skills, analytical, and technical skills required to lead innovation in high-tech companies, operations, and manufacturing companies.

Engineering Discipline to choose from

  • – Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • – Biological Engineering
  • – Chemical Engineering
  • – Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • – Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • – Mechanical Engineering
  • – Nuclear Science and Engineering
  • – Operations Research

Moreover, the MIT Sloan School of Management develops innovative, principled leaders who dare to change the world through dynamic business solutions.

LGOs are completely integrated into MIT Sloan’s 1-semester business core so that each candidate can build their unique blend of business and engineering courses.

MIT Sloan’s famed Action Learning Labs provide vast opportunities for students to learn how to tackle actual business problems in practical situations by collaborating with companies and using the real-world setting as practice.



UC Berkeley’s brand new integrated MBA/MEng program, which first started its inaugural class in the fall of 2020, is specifically designed to prepare candidates to become global leaders in tech ventures & technological innovation in an array of diverse industries. These programs offered by UC Berkeley’s MBA/MEng are ranked among the highest in the world.

Key Highlights

The program enables students to earn two master’s degrees at the same time with the same time it takes to complete just one of the two courses and of course at a far lower cost than enrolling in each program separately.

Special interdisciplinary courses along with an interdisciplinary capstone project are also offered for students in the concurrent degree program.

The interdisciplinary capstone project allows student teams to grapple with real-world challenges faced by industries, companies or NGOs, or governmental organizations involving a collection of both business and engineering issues.

Applicants with a technical UG education can earn the dual degree in just four semesters with an MBA degree from the Haas School of Business along with a Master of Engineering (MEng) degree in one of any seven departments at the College of Engineering.

Graduates of the MBA/MEng program are highly sought after by tech giants and technological industries. Companies like Apple, Amazon, Microsoft all hire Berkeley MBA graduates



Earn 2 degrees in less time with the Purdue MSE+ Kelley dual-degree MBA program. The program allows you to complete both degrees in just 60 credit hours.

The program is delivered in three sections: 

  • – Technical/Engineering, 
  • – Bridge courses, and 
  • – MBA courses.

This online program was created precisely for engineering students looking to advance their skill-set & knowledge in the engineering field while at the same time developing new business and management skills that will lead to new professional opportunities for them. 

Key Highlights

In 2022 itself, Purdue University is ranked 1st in Best Online Master’s in Engineering Management Programs by the U.S. News and World Report with the graduate engineering program consistently being ranked among the top three programs by U.S. News & World Report. 

The online MBA program offered by IU Kelley School of Business is highly ranked as well and has been honored previously by the likes of Financial Times, Bloomberg Businessweek, and Forbes.

Not only will this streamlined degree process help save your time and money, but it will also provide new opportunities to expand your skills in multiple areas.

Completing each of these degrees discretely would result in more than eighty credit hours of academic study and cost more than $100,000. 

The degree awarded to candidates is either a Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) or a Master of Science (MS) entirely depending upon the undergraduate degree of each candidate respectively. 

The MBA section of the degree will be a regular Management MBA with a well-rounded curriculum across each core area of business.


Now, let us look at some best STEM majors that can successfully boost your careers. 

The below-mentioned majors will not only provide a substantial amount of revenue but are also expected to be high-demand jobs for years to come, providing STEM graduates a worthwhile long-term career. The following list comprises some of the highest paying STEM MBA/MS careers; let us glance at it!

1. Petroleum Engineering,- Entry-Level Education: Bachelor’s degree

Energy is an ever-growing industry, and while new-generation renewable technologies are the talk of the day, the petroleum industry do remains one of the most important areas for STEM majors. 

Through the course, candidates learn to design specific equipment for extraction purposes and the use of oil and gas while keeping in mind the considering many environmental & economic factors.

2. Computer Engineering – Entry-Level Education: Bachelor’s degree

Not a surprise at all! In this tech-driven generation,  Computer engineering is a standard education for anyone who wants to work as a computer hardware engineer. 

The role is one of the high-earning STEM careers available today. 

Hardware engineers are responsible for creating a wide array of computer equipment, managing, analyzing & testing the hardware they have built. 

3. Mathematics & Statisticians, – Entry-Level Education: Master’s degree

Mathematics is the root of science! Therefore, Maths & stats are great majors for any candidate interested in a STEM career who has proficiency in calculus, algebra, and other types of math.

Mathematicians don’t only just solve equations, but they develop new innovative ways of conducting mathematical operations, which are extremely useful for other STEM majors.

4. Aerospace Engineering – Entry-Level Education: Bachelor’s degree

Any candidate proficient in 

  • – Math,
  • – Physics, and 
  • – Chemistry 

Are perfectly suited for a degree in aerospace engineering. 

Candidates use both theoretical class & field studies to understand the basic structures and science behind the most advanced spacecraft & airplanes. In addition to that, they also learn how to develop innovations, making them indispensable to the aerospace industry.

5. Software Development – Entry-Level Education: Bachelor’s degree

Another famous job aspect! Software developers earn well over $100,000 a year and are amongst the highest pay-scale employees. So even candidates just out of their STEM major can make a substantial amount of money. 

A candidate with a degree in software development learns to analyze various designs & needs of computer programs to accomplish specific purposes. Moreover, they can create applications or plan parts or an entire program.

Other successful STEM majors include Electrical Engineering, Actuarial Science, Chemical Engineering, Geological Engineering, Marine Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering.


Tech giants and technological Companies hire MS/MBA graduates ideally in designing roles and/or developing technology-intensive products. The industry leaders are always eager to recruit new graduates with this unique blend of business and engineering skills. Some of the top recruiters of MS/MBA include:

4Boston Consulting Group
6Eli Lilly
13Marvel Semiconductor


You need to understand that STEM MBA programs are a little different from normal MBA programs. A STEM MBA is a smart way to gain all those skills required in a comprehensive business model and develop students’ technical expertise and management skills.

Now that you understand what the program is about let us understand the program expectations!

What is the aim of the program?

The program aims to educate future leaders of major technology ventures by providing them with a strong foundation in general management and knowledge in building new tech, designing skills, and deepening students’ knowledge of engineering.

Great! Now that you know what is expected of you, you could build your profile around it. Highlight every small detail related to your technological expeditions. May it be international experience, certifications, awards, or innovations, mention anything relevant to the program’s aim.

Since MS/MBA: Engineering candidates aspire to lead technology ventures one day, you need to have academic accolades and work experience in computer science or a related field. 

Also, for your extracurricular, highlight any technology-intensive products developed by you or any relevant achievement in designing and developing tech-intensive end products.

Apart from your profile, your essays also play a major role in deciding your selection. Hence, you must make your essays elegant unique and try to mold them into a story to catch the attention of the adcom. 

Some of the common essay questions are mentioned in the article above; try to answer them with a pinch of characteristic touch unique of you. Moreover, elaborate on your ECAs and certifications, highlight the relevant skills you learned that would help you during your MS/MBA program, and post it! 

Well, that’s it! I hope that the above paragraphs would help you understand every aspect of the MS/MBA program. As the program is still new in some business schools like UC Berkeley, therefore make sure that you surf through the article once before applying to the Program. Go to the school page link given in the article to know about the curriculum, electives, different scholarships, funding & loan schemes, employment stats, etc.

In any case, if you want to know more about any particular aspect of the application process, interviews, and course structure regarding the MS/MBA program, feel free to hop on a 45-minute extensive 1:1 call with our team of experts. We will provide you with previous questions samples, application samples, LORs, testimonials and guide you stepwise so that you can develop a unique Resume with clarity, precision, and creativity.

We at MBAandBeyond follow a stepwise procedure to ensure maximum efficiency, quality, and interaction to make sure we make every minute worth it! Furthermore, we at MBA and beyond are determined to guide you through your entire application process, ensuring the best offers from top Business schools. 

Always remember that “if you are new at something, it’s always better to take advice and help from other people to thrive in life.” Happy learning! ☺

Frequently Asked Questions


What is MS MBA engineering Sciences?

The MS/MBA engineering program is a dual-degree program with a balanced emphasis on both.

  1. Business fundamentals and 
  2. Engineering &design.

The program conveys various theoretical concepts and builds skillset across three major domains:

  • -Engineering,  
  • – Design, and
  • – Management.

The program is specifically designed for candidates with a UG degree in engineering, computer science, or any related technical field. 


How does an MBA help an engineer in his career?

Candidates with an engineering background are well equipped with present generation technology and can quite well manage the technological aspect of their work. However, in this dynamic market, it’s important for a candidate to have a diverse skill set to increase his value in the job market. An MBA program is one of the most popular options opted by candidates to gain relevant business knowledge and acquire skills required in a comprehensive business model. An MBA from a top B-School will surely increase your value by multifold in the job market


Is a STEM MBA worth it?

In recent times, demands are increasing for people who can work both as a manager with an MBA and as a leader who can solve problems in a tech-driven environment.

The STEM MBA programs are getting popular day by day, producing a new generation of future executives, bilingual in both technology and business. A STEM MBA is a smart way to gain all those skills required in a comprehensive business model and develop students’ technical expertise and management skills.  


Which MBA is good for engineers?

As mentioned before, demands have been surging for people with both management & technical ability to lead the tech-driven environment for engineers. As a result, it has become necessary to specialize in technology and have a management degree to increase their demand in the market. The MS/MBA engineering program is one such program that could be opted by engineers to gain in-depth knowledge focused on innovation, entrepreneurship, and design, all of which are crucial elements of success when a leading technology venture and perfect for candidates with a dream to lead a technological venture one day!

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