Top Tech MBA Programs to Consider in 2024

Top tech MBA programs

In the rapidly evolving tech industry, professionals often find themselves at the mercy of market dynamics and economic shifts. The beginning of 2024 has been particularly challenging, with a notable continuation of the layoff trend from the previous year, affecting many in the sector. This guide, including insights on the best tech MBA programs, aims to provide practical advice and support for those navigating the aftermath of tech layoffs.

The Current State of Tech Layoffs

The tech industry, once hailed for its seemingly endless growth and opportunity, has entered a period of significant adjustment. The start of 2024 has not been kind, with major companies like Unity, Google, and Twitch announcing substantial layoffs. These layoffs are part of a broader trend that saw nearly 90,000 job cuts in January alone, a sobering continuation from 2023 where over 262,000 tech workers were laid off​​​​.

The reasons behind this wave of layoffs are complex and varied. Companies are grappling with the aftermath of rapid expansion during the pandemic, adjusting to changes in consumer demand, and reevaluating their long-term strategies. This recalibration has led to difficult decisions, including workforce reductions to streamline operations and ensure sustainability​​.

Immediate Actions Post-Layoff

The initial shock of a layoff can leave one feeling unmoored. However, taking immediate, proactive steps can help regain control and set the stage for a successful transition.

1. Financial Assessment and Budgeting

First and foremost, assess your financial situation. If you’ve received a severance package, understand its terms and how it can sustain you in the short term. Apply for unemployment benefits as soon as possible to ensure a continuous income stream during your job search. Revisit your monthly budget, cutting non-essential expenses to extend your financial runway.

2. Update Professional Profiles

Once your financial situation is under control, focus on re-entering the job market. Update your LinkedIn profile and resume to reflect your most recent job experiences, skills, and achievements. Tailoring your resume for each application can significantly increase your chances of landing interviews. Use this time to also network online and reconnect with former colleagues, mentors, and industry connections.

The wave of tech layoffs is a stark reminder of the industry’s volatile nature. Yet, with prompt action and a strategic approach, those affected can navigate this challenging period and emerge stronger on the other side. The subsequent sections will delve deeper into strategies for leveraging this time for growth and exploring new career avenues, including further education and upskilling opportunities.

Leveraging This Period for Growth

The period following a layoff, while challenging, presents a unique opportunity for professional growth and self-reflection. This section explores how you can leverage this time to enhance your skills, expand your network, and potentially pivot your career in a new and fulfilling direction.

1. Upskilling and Reskilling

In the ever-evolving tech landscape, staying abreast of the latest technologies and industry trends is crucial. Use this time to identify any skills gaps and seek out resources to address them, including considering the best tech MBA programs that offer a comprehensive understanding of the tech industry. Online learning platforms offer a wide array of courses in data science, AI, software development, and more, often in collaboration with top universities and companies, ensuring you gain relevant and high-quality knowledge.

Consider obtaining certifications that can add value to your resume. Certifications in project management (PMP), cloud computing (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud), and cybersecurity (CISSP, CISA) are highly regarded in the industry and can significantly enhance your employability.

Want to pursue an MBA but not sure if your profile fits?

Talk to our Profile Experts to know your chances for a top MBA Program.


2. Networking and Community Engagement

Networking is more than just a tool for job searching; it’s a way to exchange ideas, stay informed about industry trends, and build long-lasting professional relationships. Engaging with your professional network on LinkedIn, sharing articles, joining discussions, and connecting with industry leaders and peers can all be complemented by exploring the best tech MBA programs, which offer valuable opportunities for networking and learning. Attend virtual webinars, workshops, and conferences related to your field to stay connected with the community, learn about new opportunities, and enhance your understanding of the tech industry.

Don’t underestimate the power of local tech meetups and hackathons. These can be excellent venues for meeting like-minded individuals, showcasing your skills, and learning about unadvertised job openings. Many successful career transitions and job opportunities arise from casual conversations and connections made at such events.

Proactiveness in Career Planning

Facing a layoff can be a pivotal moment in your career. It’s an opportunity to reassess your career goals and devise a strategic plan to achieve them. This section offers advice on how to approach your career planning proactively.

Set Clear Career Goals

Reflect on what you truly want from your career, including whether pursuing one of the best tech MBA programs aligns with your aspirations. Consider the roles, industries, and company cultures that align with your skills, values, and interests. Setting clear, achievable goals, possibly involving the strategic insight and network gained from top tech MBA programs, will give your job search direction and purpose.

Identify Skill Gaps

Analyze job descriptions for roles you’re interested in and identify any skills or experiences you lack. Make a plan to acquire these skills, whether through online courses, volunteering, or part-time work.

Create a Job Search Strategy

Approach your job search with a strategic mindset. Tailor your resume and cover letter for each application, emphasizing the skills and experiences most relevant to the position. Utilize job boards, company career pages, and professional networks to find opportunities that align with your career goals.

Build Your Personal Brand

Develop a strong personal brand that reflects your professional identity and values, potentially enriched by experiences from the best tech MBA programs. This can include a professional blog, a portfolio website, or an active presence on industry-specific social media platforms. Your personal brand should showcase your expertise, achievements, and the unique perspective you bring to your field, possibly highlighting insights gained from top tech MBA programs.

In conclusion, while being laid off is undoubtedly challenging, it also presents an opportunity to pause, reflect, and recalibrate your career trajectory. Focusing on upskilling, perhaps through one of the best tech MBA programs, networking, and strategic career planning can turn this period of uncertainty into a significant professional growth and exploration opportunity.

Considering Further Education: The MBA Pathway

In the wake of a layoff, pursuing further education, such as an MBA, can be a transformative step. An MBA not only equips you with advanced management and business skills but also significantly broadens your career opportunities across various industries. This section delves into how an MBA can serve as a strategic move for tech professionals looking to pivot or advance their careers.

Broadening Career Prospects

An MBA opens doors to leadership roles in tech and non-tech sectors, including consulting, finance, and entrepreneurship. The diverse skill set gained through an MBA program—ranging from strategic management to financial acumen—makes MBA graduates highly sought after.

Networking Opportunities

MBA programs offer unparalleled networking opportunities with peers, alumni, and industry leaders. These connections can prove invaluable as you navigate your career path, offering insights, advice, and potential job opportunities.

Global Perspective

Many MBA programs offer international modules or study abroad opportunities, allowing you to gain a global business perspective. This international exposure is particularly beneficial in the interconnected world of tech, where companies operate across borders.

Choosing the Right Program

When considering an MBA, research programs that align with your career goals and interests. Look for programs with strong tech industry connections, entrepreneurship centers, or specialized tracks in technology management if you aim to stay within the tech sector.

Mental Calm and Strategic Planning

The period following a layoff can be fraught with uncertainty and stress. Maintaining mental calm and approaching your next steps with a strategic mindset are crucial for navigating this transition successfully.

Take Time to Reflect

Before jumping into job applications or making significant career decisions, take a moment to reflect on your career aspirations, strengths, and what you truly enjoy doing. This introspection can guide your decision-making process and lead to more fulfilling career choices.

Develop a Strategic Plan

With your career goals in mind, develop a strategic plan outlining the steps needed to achieve them. This plan might include upskilling, networking, applying to MBA programs, or exploring new industries. Setting clear, achievable milestones will help you track your progress and stay motivated.

Seek Support

Don’t hesitate to seek support from career counselors, mentors, or professional networks. These resources can offer valuable guidance, feedback, and encouragement as you explore new opportunities.

Prioritize Well-being

Remember to take care of your physical and mental health during this period. Engage in activities that promote well-being, such as exercise, meditation, or hobbies. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is key to staying resilient and focused during times of transition.

Post-tech layoff, use this time for growth by considering an MBA, staying mentally calm, and strategically planning your career transition to redefine your path and reach long-term goals.

Consider companies like Google: their success isn’t just due to engineers but also business executives with strategic skills, driving the demand for tech MBAs.

Many of you may be wondering why you should pursue a one-year tech MBA. First, we will explain what a tech MBA is and why it is the best option. Moreover, this article provides details on aspects like average post-tech MBA salaries, career opportunities, and more.


why the best programs in tech mba

A curriculum on business management, strategy, and economics is at the heart of each MBA school, whether general or specialized.

In the case of a specialized Tech MBA, this core is designed to ensure that you possess the knowledge and long-term growth strategies essential for the success of any tech-centric organization in the current landscape, incorporating case studies and examples from the tech industry.

The Tech MBA is a one-year program customized to align with your educational and career objectives. Core modules allocate approximately 55 percent of the time to technology and 45 percent to business. The program provides flexibility in the fourth period, allowing you to tailor your Tech MBA to your specific requirements.


As digitization continues to advance, technology companies are producing more innovative devices. Consequently, business executives increasingly value senior technology managers who possess a dual understanding of both the business and technical aspects of technology innovation, recognizing its direct correlation to revenue growth.

As a result, the demand for tech MBAs is growing every day, and obtaining one will provide you with a competitive advantage in your job.


Regular MBATech MBA
Traditional MBAs might come from a variety of backgrounds.The majority of those who enroll for a tech MBA program have technical experience, which offers them an edge.
Concentrate on business and management.The primary focus is on technology, technology-related business, and management.
Industry of choice, such as finance, consulting, or oil and gas, is dependent on the graduate’s preference/skills.Graduates who have completed their degrees choose to work in the technology industry.


A bachelor’s degree or its equivalent in a relevant field is required. ( STEM )

Three years of full-time job experience is required.

Demonstrated enthusiasm for technology and knowledge of the industry

To get right to the point, if you want to pursue a tech MBA, you must possess the characteristics mentioned above to get admitted to the best tech MBA schools.


Different schools have their way of putting together a schedule. However, the typical tech MBA curriculum is given in the table below.

Core Team Practical 

Critical & Strategic Thinking 

Data Analytics & Modeling 

Financial Accounting 

Introduction to SQL 

Leading Teams 

Managerial Finance 

Marketing Management 

Microeconomics for Management 


Additional Electives
Digital Marketing 

Entrepreneurial Finance 

Fundamentals of Modern Software 

Operations Management 

Product Studio (Required) 

Additional Electives and Studio Courses
Startup or BigCo Studio (Required) 

Additional Johnson Cornell Tech MBA Courses 

Additional Electives and Studio Courses


Here is a list of the top 10 Tech MBA programs:

Business SchoolsProgram OfferedAverage GMAT ScoreAverage SalaryProgram FeeProgram Duration
Stern Schools of businessAndre Koo Tech MBA program650-720US$144,681US$53,1591 year
Johnson Graduate School of ManagementJohnson Cornell Tech MBA program680-720US$129,953US$114,6321 year
Foster Schools of business Technology Management MBA710US$119,308US$87,4001.5 years
IE business schoolTech MBA program680US$90,000US$99,3651 year
Tepper school of businessMBA (tech, strategy, and product management705US$130,000US$140,0002 years
Scheller college of businessGeorgia Tech Scheller full-time MBA program681US$112,729US$81,5042 years
Kellogg School of managementNA731NAUS$133,0192.5 years
Massachusetts Institute of technologyMBA728US$113,666US$154,3362 years
Stanford graduate school of businessMBA738US$159,544US$133,6802 years
Kenan-Flagler business schoolTechnology innovation management696US$130,000US$133,6802 years


best tech mba program

The first and most critical step is to choose the best business school in the sector.

Conduct thorough research on the institution to which you’ve applied and align your goals with the essence of the MBA program. This showcases a solid understanding of the specific qualities and attributes the school values.

Now, outline your tech-related goals and how a tech MBA may assist you in achieving them. Take certification classes that are relevant to your career objectives. Volunteering and assisting in the field of technology will highlight your outstanding attributes and have a beneficial influence. Establish some credibility on the internet.


careers in best tech mba programs

Leading companies like Google, Amazon, Apple, Samsung, and numerous others prefer hiring MBAs due to their technology-focused work experience. With an MBA completion, these professionals are well-equipped to navigate real-world scenarios effectively.

  1. Consultants 
  2. Business advisers
  3. Digital managers
  4. Digital strategists
  5. Innovation head, transformation, and technology project managers 

The mentioned career path is particularly advantageous for those with a specialized Tech MBA. Moreover, this degree prepares individuals to pursue roles in technology or management within computer-related companies.

Read this article to know more about Top Business Schools in Silicon Valley.


For individuals with prior experience in the field, a Tech MBA offers unique advantages, including preferential treatment at major multinational corporations and higher earning potential in the IT industry compared to a traditional MBA.

However, to get a higher salary, you must first enroll in one of the top Tech MBA programs, so why not seek the advice of the professionals and learn about your present position?

Schedule a call with us for a one-on-one consultation and a free profile review to get a head start on your schedule.

Frequently Asked Questions


Is there a one-year MBA program for tech?

Yes, various b-schools offer a one-year tech MBA program; a list of a few notable b-schools is provided below.

NYU Stern

Johnson Cornell.

IE Business school.


Is an MBA useful for tech?

Every day, everything is getting more digital, and as a consequence, tech companies are developing more specialized products.

Because technology innovation is directly linked to revenue growth, business leaders are coming to recognize senior technology managers who understand both the business and technical aspects of technology innovation.

As a result, the demand for tech MBAs is increasing by the day, and having one will provide you with a competitive advantage in the workplace.


What is a tech MBA course?

The Tech MBA is a one-year program designed to align with your educational and career objectives. Core modules allocate approximately 55 percent of the time to technology and 45 percent to business.


Who can do a tech MBA?

You must have earned an official bachelor’s degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM)* to be eligible to apply for the Tech MBA. A minimum of 3 years of full-time job experience in any industry is also necessary, while five years is preferred.

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