GMAT vs GRE for MBA- Which one should you pick?


GMAT vs GRE for MBA Applications? Thousands of aspiring MBAs face this critical question. Both GMAT and GRE are accepted for many MBA programs, but understanding their distinctions is key to choosing the right exam. Let’s delve in!

GRE scores for MBA admissions have gained increasing popularity among both test takers and admissions officers at B-schools globally. Business schools now view the GRE and GMAT tests equally in their admissions decisions, without favoring one over the other. Over 1,200+ MBA programs accept GRE scores, providing more options, and there’s little distinction perceived between the two tests.

Nevertheless, applicants often find themselves in a state of confusion when deciding which test to take. Therefore, before making a decision, it is advisable to examine the business schools of interest and ascertain whether they accept GRE scores for MBA in lieu of GMAT scores. Additionally, considering the acceptance rates of both test results is crucial. We covered essential aspects of the topic in this article to provide better insights that will aid your decision-making regarding  GRE vs. GMAT.

Here is the Snapshot of the article:


The GMAT targets business schools, while the GRE opens doors to various graduate programs (including MBA at over 1,200 schools). The GRE’s quant section focuses on comparisons, and the verbal section emphasizes completing sentences and understanding text. It’s ideal for those with creative and flexible thinking styles.

While the GRE isn’t the conventional choice for many Business Schools, opting for it offers remarkable advantages. Its format and schedule differ from the GMAT, and some find its topics less challenging.

gmat vs gre for mba

GMAT is a test for those who want to go to business school, whereas GRE is a test that opens doors to multiple fields. Notably, the GRE allows more frequent testing opportunities compared to the GMAT.

Undoubtedly, the GRE is a viable option, but the crucial factor in deciding between the GMAT or GRE for MBA admission is to initially identify the test requirements of your preferred schools. If there’s ambiguity about whether a school accepts both but has a preference, reaching out to them through email, phone, or online chat is advisable. However, it’s noteworthy that as per statements from most top business schools, they do not show a preference for one test over the other. However, there are factors that admission committees consider when deciding whether or not to accept a candidate. You can find more information can be found in our GMAT vs. GRE article


Test Focus. –

When comparing GMAT vs. GRE for MBA applications, a key difference lies in their focus. The GMAT is a business-specific exam, designed to assess the very skills you’ll need to succeed in your MBA program. The GRE, on the other hand, is a broader exam meant for various graduate programs, from a Master’s in Engineering Management (MEM) to a Ph.D. in Astrophysics.

Anxiety Regarding Exams

Unlike the GMAT, the GRE permits test-takers to save and revisit questions within each section, alleviating test stress. The flexibility to skip challenging questions, a feature not available in the GMAT, often results in improved performance for MBA applicants who may feel overwhelmed by difficult standardized test questions.

Know your strength and the target school requirement-

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Pick the right test! Take practice exams for both GMAT and GRE to see where you shine. Before diving in, identify your strengths (quant or verbal?) and confirm your target schools accept the GRE (some might prefer GMAT). This ensures you focus your efforts on the exam that best suits you.

gmat vs gre for mba

By the end of this article, you’ll confidently choose between the GMAT and GRE for your MBA application. Selecting a business school can be a challenge, but with the right approach, you can simplify the GMAT vs. GRE decision.

Let’s schedule a one-on-one profile evaluation call! We can analyze your background and help you determine which exam, GMAT or GRE, is a better fit for you.

Come on board, and let’s tackle all of the potential hurdles together to get you to your desired school.

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